Stress is a common term in today’s world. It occurs when people are overloaded and find it too exhausting to complete their tasks. Right from students to adults working in different professions, stress makes it a constant struggle to cope up with the demands of the society.
A recent survey conducted by the American Federation of Teachers found that educators are more stressed at work than other people. The survey found that 61% of the time, teachers find work to be stressful due to lack of control over classroom decisions, teaching, homework, grading and low professional development.
What can cause stress in teachers?
While there are numerous factors that can lead to stress, the most prominent ones are as follows:
Personal factors
Personal factors like health, family situation and certain other issues in life can add to stress.
Working conditions
A teacher may find it stressful when he/she works in an environment that fails to cater to the basic working condition requirements.
Professional responsibilities
Professional responsibilities like completing the syllabus, checking the assignments, ensuring that all the students are involved in the class, etc. can lead to stress.
Student-teacher relationship
While a good student-teacher relationship can result in an enhanced learning experience, a bad student-teacher relationship can lead to a lot of stress for both teachers and students.
Student discipline
Students who do not maintain the decorum in the classroom and behave in an unruly manner cause stress to the teachers.
How to overcome stress?
Overcoming stress is easy as long as it is followed on a continuous basis. Here are some tips to overcome stress:
Accept the situation
Accepting the situation for what it is plays an important role in reducing stress.
Think positive
Positive thoughts help reduce stress. Teachers should focus on all the positive occurrences of the day to feel less stressful.
Keep a ‘happy journal’
Teachers can keep a ‘happy journal’ where they can jot down happy thoughts, happy memories and compliments from students. Reading such happy notes when having a stressful day will help reduce stress.
Make time for yourself
Making time for self is the best way to combat stress. A few minutes of ‘me time’ will go a long way.
Take a hobby
Picking up a hobby will help relax during stressful times. The hobby can be something as simple as doodling.
Do not mix school and home
It is often advised to not mix up personal and professional life. Mixing tension from school and home will only end up increasing stress.
Get good sleep
One of the most commonly suggested method to keep stress at bay is to get good sleep.
Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of water and fresh fruit juices will not only help in ensuring a healthy lifestyle but will also reduce stress.
Stay mentally active
While being physically active is essential to maintain a good health, being mentally active is equally important to stay healthy. Teachers can take up exercises or yoga to stay mentally active.
Talk to colleagues
Talking to family members or colleagues is a great way to reduce stress.
What happens when you have no stress?
Low or no stress offers numerous benefits like:
Keeping blood pressure under check.
Improving sleep pattern, eating habits and mood. A teacher with low stress can focus on his/her health.
Improving immunity and keeping diseases at bay.
Smooth functioning of the heart.
Improving productivity and focus.
While stress is unavoidable, it can be kept at bay by following the given tips and by having a positive attitude.