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Book Recommendations

Leaders Eat Last written by New York Times bestselling author and motivational speaker

Simon Sinek, is a handbook for improving interpersonal skills and learning to better oneself, as an aspiring leader or an individual. It delves into the concept of leadership and its impact on forming a successful organisation.

Officers Eat Last:

The book follows an ideology that states leaders who prioritise the wellness of their team before themselves and their own self-interests, create an environment of trust and collaboration. As a result, this helps improve productivity.

 The book introduces a concept called the 'Circle of Safety', which explains how leaders can assist in creating an environment that encourages a sense of purpose and sense of fulfillment within the team. 

Why should teachers read the book?

  • Leaders Eat Last can help understand the role of leadership to help create positive change.

  • The book highlights its points utilising anecdotal stories from various fields and sectors to understand the application across fields. 

  • It provides a thought-provoking insight into the culture of an organisation and how it can be improved.

  • It highlights the importance of creating goals and a shared vision to help channelise the team’s efforts. 


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