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Effectively engaging students in class

A classroom is a heterogenous mixture. It is an amalgamation of different types of students with different personalities, family backgrounds, cultures, etc. Some students are over enthusiastic in the class and show that by taking part in most of the activities, while others are more sedentary in nature and they restrain themselves from even talking to their peers. This forms a group of both introvert and extrovert students. Sometimes, some students are academically very bright, which can lead to uncertainty in the minds of few other students.

This variety in the kinds of students in classroom certainly makes it difficult for the teacher to effectively reach out to all of them. However, teachers can employ different techniques to involve most of the students.

The most commonly used technique is ‘rewarding’ the students. It is a general observation that there are students who cannot answer in the class, but can write well in exams. This is because students are rewarded for their performance in exams. This is the most basic principle that a teacher can use, to capture the attention of the students. Students who are introvert in nature, or those who do not find learning interesting, will also involve themselves in the class once they are attracted by the ‘anticipated after effects’ of the class.

Next, it is important for the teacher to come prepared for the class. If the teacher herself/himself is in doubt, the non interested students would drift away from the class. A well researched teacher will become more approachable and thus, students of all kinds would like to stay awake in the classroom.

It is also necessary for the teacher to establish a positive relationship with the students. Understanding the needs of the students also helps. The relationship with students can be enhanced by increasing the time spent with them, applauding their work, treating them in a fair way, and so on.

The teacher must also welcome new ideas given by them. The enthusiasm in students should be recognised and they should be given a chance to express themselves. Teachers who dedicate time for them are often more successful in engaging students of different kinds.

A teacher can work along these lines and in many such ways of engage students of varied interests in a classroom.

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