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It’s time for a digital detox!

Technology plays an important role in today’s world, especially in the education space. One doesn’t come across a classroom that functions without technology. Today, no school is complete without smart devices.

Despite being beneficial, technology can be dangerous for not only the students, but also the teachers.

A recent survey on the ill effects of technology showed that adults are equally prone to the hazards of technology.

Some of the issues that technology can lead to are as follows:

1. Failing memory

Overuse of technology can lead to ‘digital dementia’, which can result in the breakdown of cognitive abilities. Individuals who rely on technology may suffer deterioration of the brain and are prone to short term memory dysfunction and memory loss.

2. Mood swings

A high use of technology can cause stress which can further lead to mood swings. Excessive use of technology can also cause fatigue and exhaustion.

3. Sleep deprivation

Using technology for a long duration of time can lead to sleep deprivation. The lights emitted by the gadgets affect the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for sleep/wake cycle in the body. Technology can also trick the brain into staying awake and alert when it has to rest.

4. Irritability

Stress due to high usage of technology can also induce irritability. This can make a person feel antsy and moody.

5. Increased dependence

Technology increases the dependency on smart devices to solve a problem or find an information. Though the very purpose of technology is to provide information when needed, overuse of it makes one feel incomplete without their phone/laptop.

6. Vision related issues

The impact of technology is so severe that health experts have coined the term ‘computer vision syndrome’ to indicate issues caused due to TV/computer/laptop and mobile phones. Some of the issues include, eyestrain, dryness in the eyes, burning sensation in the eyes, itchy or watery eyes, sensitivity to light and blurred vision.

7. Neck strain

Looking at a computer or a laptop screen for long can strain the muscles in the neck. This can cause long term problems like degeneration of discs in the spine and can even lead to spinal arthritis.

8. Muscle and joint pain

Muscular and joint pain accompanies overuse of technology. This can further lead to sprains and cramps.

With numerous issues accompanying the use of gadgets and technology, the only solution is to reduce its usage. This can be achieved by ‘detox’. Digital detox refers to the time period during which one stays away from devices like smartphone, computers, laptops, etc.

Ways to detox

Technology is a necessary evil. But here are some ways to reduce the usage:

1. Remove distractions

One can reduce the impact of technology by making a conscious effort to keep the distractions at bay. Teachers can make it a point to spend at least an hour without any gadgets and can slowly increase this duration.

2. Always make time to pursue what makes you happy

‘Me time’ is essential not only to detox but also to have a healthy mind. Teachers can spend their time pursuing hobbies like gardening, painting or knitting

3. Set a gadget time

Teachers can set a ‘gadget time’ for themselves and use the gadgets only during the time allocated for it.

4. Get good sleep

Teachers should make it a point to get good rest without any distractions. They should also ensure to have their meals without any gadget intrusion.

5. Maintain a record of the time you spend online

An effective way to remain conscious about the time one spends with gadgets is by clocking the time spent with it. Teachers can maintain a small journal and jot down the time they spend with gadgets every day. This will indicate how much time one will have to cut down.

By inducing digital detox in one’s routine, a teacher will be able to maintain his or her health in a better way.

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