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Kerala Government Introduces Gender Equality Imagery in School Textbooks

The government of Kerala has introduced a new set of course material that takes significant strides in the promotion of gender equality. As students return to the classrooms for a new academic session, the instructional material has been revamped to feature a progressive representation of gender roles.

Image credit: Business Standard

In an attempt to break away from stereotypes regarding gender roles, the textbooks feature imagery of men working alongside women in the kitchen. The pictures and stories depict fathers engaging in domestic activities traditionally associated with women. In one such image from a class 3 Malayalam medium textbook, a father is shown to be scrapping the coconut as the mother cooks while the English version of the textbook features the father cooking snacks for his daughter. 

The changes have been widely well-received on social media and among teachers, parents and students. The aim was to promote a positive and reimagined view of gender stereotypes that have remained entrenched in society for generations. The changes have been said to spark conversations as a younger generation gains a new perspective and pushes for a positive change in society. 

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