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Physical Education And Children With Special Needs

Today, it is compulsory for students to be a part of physical education to maintain a healthy lifestyle and remain fit. However, physical education for students with special need proves to be quite difficult, unless the teacher decides upon a specific curriculum that caters to each individual student’s needs.

Special education is defined as a specially designed instruction that meets the unique needs of a child with disability. This kind of education also involves giving out detailed instruction to a special need child in class.

A child with special needs needs to develop-

  • Fundamental motor skills and patterns

  • Involvement in individual and group sports events

Physical education adaptations for special needs children

Adaptations for special needs children include narrowing down the expectations according to their needs. The demand for performance and participation will automatically increase if the child's skills are met.

The child’s special educator can consult with the physical education teacher to decide on the kind of participation that is needed to be met by the child. The activities can then be designed to meet the needs of the child using several teaching assisting materials.

The physical education teacher can also team up with the special education teacher to conduct the activities that ensures success in the child’s growth.

Suggestions to physical education teachers-

  • The physical education teacher can contact the parents and the special education teacher to learn more about the learning style of the child.

  • They can try to motivate the child on what he/she is capable of doing and not force them to do those set of activities they cannot do.

  • They can try to create tasks that are equally challenging but are ‘achievable’ by the child, as this helps to build self-confidence.

  • Teachers can try to make use of those exponential online resources that specifically cater to students with special need.

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