George Bernard Shaw, a famous playwright, once said that people don’t stop playing because they get old. They age because they stop playing.
Today, it is unfortunate to see that kids prefer to be in front of their computer and play games rather than go out and play.
There used to be a time when kids would play games like hide and seek, hopscotch and roam around on their bicycles. These games, apart from keeping them active,helped them develop mentally and physicallly as well.
However hard we try to ignore, it is sad to see that the kids today have lost interest in even going out. The fact that they don’t actively participate in any kind of games and sports has led to obesity at such a young age, which is a great concern.
Technology carries with itself various positive aspects, but it also brings with itself many negative aspects as well. Technology today, is slowly taking control over us. It is not shocking to see a class sixth kid fidgeting with a phone or a tenth standard kid being on a social media site all day. Technology has turned kids into couch potatoes and has shunned their creativity. Since we have all the information at our fingertips, the curiosity level of kids has gone down, and this is affecting them both mentally and physically. Many would argue that, today, schools do give importance to games and even incorporate games in the timetable. But is running around for 40 minutes for two days, going to help the kids? The schools, of course, cannot incorporate games period seven days a week, but it is the responsibility of the parents and also the kid to go out of the house and participate in physical activities every day. It is time that kids across all age groupsindulge in physical activities, play games and step out of their houses.Along with physical development, it will also help them develop mentally. Noted therapist Lucia Capocchionerightly says, “Play keeps us vital and alive. It gives us an enthusiasm for life that is irreplaceable. Without it, life just doesn’t taste good.”